How Much Deep Sleep Do You Need For a Rested Mind and Body?

Deep Sleep

Do you ever wake up feeling groggy and unrested, even after getting 8 hours of sleep? The amount of total sleep matters, but so does getting enough of each stage of sleep. Deep sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep, is one of the most vital sleep stages. Getting sufficient deep restorative sleep is critical for feeling energized and mentally sharp. So, the requirement of deep sleep do you need each night? You can just read on to find out.

Deep Sleep Do You Need for Optimal Health?

Deep sleep is the stage of sleep we need for body repair, muscle growth, hormone regulation, immune support, and mental rejuvenation. When we don’t get enough deep sleep, our health and quality of life suffers in many ways. Adults should aim for getting deep sleep at least 15-20% of total sleep time in the deep sleep stage. For an average 8 hour a night sleeper, that equates to:

  • 90-120 minutes of deep sleep per night

For optimal health, immune function, and daytime energy, quality and quantity of deep sleep matter. Without adequate deep restorative sleep over time, you may be at higher risk for medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. Poor concentration, productivity loss, work errors, and accidents can also increase.

Deep Sleep Do You Need By Age For Restoration?

Deep restorative sleep needs can shift as we age due to changes in sleep architecture and health status. Understanding roughly deep sleep do you need by age can help you evaluate if you’re getting enough high-quality sleep:

Children & Teens

  • Newborns (0-3 months): ~50% of sleep time in deep sleep
  • Infants (4-11 months): ~25% of sleep time
  • Toddlers (1-3 years): ~40% of sleep time
  • Children (3-5 years): ~20-23% of sleep time
  • Teenagers (13-19 years): ~18-20% of sleep time

Younger age groups spend more of their total overnight sleep in the deep sleep stage than adults and seniors. Deep sleep is vital for children’s growth, development, and learning ability. Lack of sufficient deep and total sleep can negatively impact attention, behavior, growth, academics, and mental health.


  • Adults (26-64 years): ~15-23% of sleep time

Healthy adults should get at least 15-20% of sleep time in the deep sleep stages per night. Adults often struggle with sleep deficiency, which reduces deep sleep. Stress, work demands, and media use at bedtime all impair sleep depth and duration. You can go ahead and fasten winding down before bed and aim for 7-9 hours to get enough deep sleep.


  • Older Adults (65+ years): ~15-20% of sleep time

As we age, the time spent in deep restorative sleep stages tends to decrease. Seniors are more likely to experience medical issues and take medications that also disrupt sleep cycles. Getting sufficient deep sleep can help seniors maintain brain health, memory function, immune defenses, mood stability, and quality of life. You can consult your physician if you struggle to sleep through the night or don’t feel well-rested most mornings.

Sleep Do You Need Per Night To Feel Rested?

Let’s explore some key metrics and lifestyle habits impacting deep sleep you need a night to recharge your mental and physical battery.

Sleep Quality vs Quantity

You need more than adequate sleep duration to guarantee sufficient high-quality deep sleep. Prioritizing habits that improve sleep quality is vital for getting enough refreshing slow-wave sleep your body requires. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep for adults and 15-20% of that time in deep NREM stages per night.

Nightly Variability

The percentage of deep vs lighter sleep stages can vary significantly from night to night. Sickness, alcohol, stress, noise, medications, and other issues affect sleep architecture and depth. Don’t rely on a single night’s sleep score for accuracy. Evaluate your average profound sleep percentages over two weeks or longer.

Individual Differences

Ideal deep sleep time differs slightly from person to person based on health status, genetics, fitness level, age, and other factors. Discuss sleep testing options with your healthcare provider if you consistently wake feeling groggy and sluggish despite adequate total nightly sleep. Quantifying deep and REM sleep stage measurements can provide more personalized sleep health insights.

Bedtime Ritual

Having a consistent pre-bed routine signals your body clock that it’s time to unwind and prepare for sleep. Activities like gentle yoga, reading a book, meditating, or taking a warm bath 1-2 hours before bed can prime you for sounder slumber. Turn off screens and emotionally charged conversations, too. Aim to feel relaxed when your head hits the pillow.

Ways to Get More D- Sleep Each Night

If you’re getting adequate, deep sleep do you need? Want to improve your average percentage of deep restorative sleep? Try incorporating these eight tips to enhance slow-wave sleep:

1. Evaluate Bedroom Environment

Create an ideally excellent (60-67° F), quiet, dark sleep sanctuary. Block out light and muffle sounds that can disrupt sleep cycles. Ear plugs, blackout curtains, and a white noise machine can help filter disturbances.

2. Wind Down Before Bed

Calm your nervous system before bed with relaxing rituals to ease the transition into slumber. Take a warm bath, read fiction, practice mindful breathing, drink herbal tea, or diffuse lavender essential oil.

3. Time Exercise Right

Moderate aerobic exercise during the day energizes you and helps induce more profound sleep. However, working out vigorously too close to bedtime raises core temp excessively, which hampers sleep. Could you finish exercise at least 3 hours before bedtime?

4. Stop Smoking

Smoking is linked with impaired sleep quality and architecture. The stimulating effects of nicotine plus withdrawal symptoms disrupt deep restorative sleep. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation options.

5. Limit Alcohol

While some think alcohol improves sleep, it reduces deep sleep and REM percentage. Stop drinking caffeinated or alcoholic beverages at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

6. Optimize Bedroom Feng Shui

In Chinese medicine, correctly placing your bed on doorways and windows impacts sleep flow. Please consider consulting a Feng Shui specialist to ensure your bedroom layout aligns with profound rest principles.

7. Try Sleep Supplements

Talk to your health provider about whether melatonin, magnesium, calcium, zinc, glycine, or other dietary supplements could enhance your sleep cycles. Take only under medical guidance at adequate dosages.

8. See Your Doctor

If you still feel exhausted during the day despite good sleep hygiene, have your physician or a board-certified sleep expert evaluate your situation. An overnight sleep study can provide personalized data about your deep and REM sleep metrics. Certain health conditions also underlie poor sleep. Your doctor can diagnose and adequately treat sleep-disrupting medical issues, insomnia, and sleep apnea to help restore sound sleep.

Recharge Your Body and Brain with Restorative Deep Sleep

Prioritize getting enough minimally disrupted deep restorative sleep every night, creating a habit. When you regularly get the adequate deep sleep you need a night and sufficient lighter and REM stage sleep, your mood, focus, performance, and health can thrive. Follow these healthy sleep guidelines and practices tailored to your age group and individual needs. Consistently getting 7-9 hours of overnight sleep, with at least 90-120 minutes in deep slow wave stages, helps you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to excel during your day. Make deep nourishing rest a top self-care priority for a vibrant mind and body through all life stages.