How to Overcome Procrastination Once and For All

How to Overcome Procrastination Once and For All

Procrastination plagues us all. Would you happen to know what project you should be working on? Why does cleaning the fridge suddenly jump to the top of your to-do list ? Procrastination is the thief of time. It can rob you of reaching your full potential and achieving your biggest goals. Who knows what Leonardo da Vinci could have created if he hadn’t procrastinated for 17 years on finishing the Mona Lisa?

The good news is procrastination is not an immutable character flaw or an unbreakable habit. With the right strategies, you can overcome procrastination for good. This blog post reveals the reasons we procrastinate along with actionable solutions to stop putting things off finally.

Why We Procrastinate in the First Place

Before diving into the solutions, it helps to understand what causes procrastination in the first place. After all, you can better overcome something when you know why it happens.

Many factors lead us to irrationally delay tasks and put off things we want to accomplish:

We Seek Short-Term Mood Repair

Studies show procrastinators tend to focus on their mood in the present moment rather than long-term goals. We put off tasks because they fail to bring us joy, even if completing them would make us happier.

We Struggle to Self-Regulate

Procrastination links strongly to difficulties with self-regulation, which refers to self-control and managing behaviors to achieve goals. We have a hard time self-regulating to resist temptations and stay focused.

We Want to Avoid Failure or Discomfort

In many cases, procrastination serves as an avoidant coping strategy. We can dodge unpleasant emotions like anxiety, insecurity, or disappointment from tackling challenging projects by putting something off.

While the precise drivers differ across people and contexts, understanding these general factors can help you identify why procrastination keeps showing up in your life.

Proven Techniques to Overcome Procrastination

Starting today, let’s get to the good stuff: actionable ways to overcome procrastination. With commitment and practice, these strategies can help you beat procrastination for good:

1. Break Big Tasks Down into Small, Doable Actions

When a project or task seems big and vague, our brains balk. After all, how can you start when you don’t even know where to begin?

The antidote is to break each larger goal into specific, bite-sized next steps. Planning expert Stephen Covey called this “beginning with the end in mind.” Identify your longer-term goal, then map out smaller tasks to drive progress.

For example, if your intimidating goal is to write a book, the following actions may include:

  • Decide on genre and target audience
  • Write chapter outline
  • Set a 500-word per day writing goal
  • Write chapter one draft

As Covey said, sometimes the key to eating an elephant is one bite at a time. Segmenting significant endeavors into slight pieces kick-starts momentum.

2. Use the 5-Minute Trick

Can’t seem to get started because a task feels too demanding? Try working on it for just 5 minutes, no more.

Could you permit yourself to stop after 5 minutes? But once you build that initial momentum, continuing beyond 5 minutes often proves much easier than expected.

The 5-minute method leverages psychology: A big, dreaded task can feel overwhelming. But just 5 minutes? Indeed, anyone can accomplish something in 300 seconds! By making it so easy to begin, resistance fades away. Then, forward progress takes on a life of its own.

3. Set Clear Routines and Rituals

Consistency lies at the heart of beating procrastination. Routines and rituals serve to automate key behaviors, so you no longer have to expend as much mental energy deciding how to spend your time.

Planning expert Benjamin Franklin famously set morning and evening rituals to structure his days intentionally rather than succumbing to procrastination.

Consider daily rituals that set you up for success:


  • You can just get up early without snoozing.
  • Hydrate and stretch
  • Meditate or reflect on goals
  • Verify the most crucial task today


  • Make tomorrow’s schedule.
  • Do an evening tidy-up
  • Disconnect from screens
  • Reflect on the day

Repeat these rituals enough until they become engraved as productive habits.

4. Hold Yourself Accountable

Seeking outside accountability serves as a bedrock strategy to overcome procrastination. When you keep yourself accountable to someone else, you significantly boost follow-through.

Make a commitment contract where someone agrees to check on your progress. Or use an accountability app that penalizes you or donates money if you fail to hit targets.

Gamifying accountability with another person or tool provides external motivation to stick to essential projects when that internal drive lags. You can’t bear to report unfinished progress even if you feel like slacking.

5. Prioritize Self-Care

Stress, exhaustion, and poor health often breed for procrastination. When you feel depleted physically or mentally, summoning focus and self-discipline proves extremely difficult.

That’s why healthy self-care regimes allow us to operate at peak productivity over the long haul. Key pillars of self-care to support overcoming procrastination include:

  • Sufficient sleep: Most adults require 7-9 hours per night. Deficiencies hamper focus significantly.
  • Balanced nutrition: Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods to stabilize energy and blood sugar levels throughout the day.
  • Stress management: Try yoga, breathwork, hiking in nature, or other relaxing activities that release feel-good chemicals in the brain.
  • Digital health: Be mindful of excessive smartphone and social media use, which correlates strongly to attention span declines.

Caring for your whole self prevents the mental and emotional strain that fuels procrastination behaviors.

6. Reframe Your Mindset

Though counterintuitive, recent research reveals happier people tend to procrastinate slightly more on tasks. This links to lower negative emotions that generally compel us to act.

For chronic procrastinators, reframing your mindset can mean permitting yourself to procrastinate without shame on less critical tasks. Ease up on beating yourself up. But identify 1-3 mission-critical pursuits where you insist on continuous progress through any procrastination temptation.

In other words, cut yourself slack and recognize that specific goals matter if you hope to produce your best work and live without regret. Focus relentlessly on those priorities.

The next time you catch yourself putting something off, you can avoid berating yourself. Please correct and refocus on whatever your most important project or passion is.

Turning the Page on Procrastination

As you can see, overcoming procrastination relies less on sheer effort and willpower and more on creating structures and flows that support consistency. Of course, replacing distracted, delay-driven behaviors with productive habits takes practice.

But now you understand why we procrastinate along with science-backed techniques to move past the excuses, avoidance, and irrational delay.

You can start by choosing 1-2 solutions to apply over the next week or month. Tiny gains compound into massive results over time. Each small win today plants seeds for more considerable accomplishments tomorrow.

The key is to remain patient and persistent rather than expecting an overnight cure. Over time, the scales tip until your default becomes active progress rather than passive procrastination.

Now, you hold the tools to gain control of your time and beat debilitating delays. And how to overcome procrastination from end to end. What future will you start building today?